School Achievements

Below are some of our latest achievements


of all entries 9-7 A* – A
2024 GCSE exam results


of students achieved 9-4 in
English & Maths 2024 GCSE Results

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"Pupils are set high standards to achieve. They rise to leaders’ expectations and work hard in everything they do. Attitudes to learning are exemplary. Behaviour in class and around the school is calm. Pupils are polite and friendly."

Ofsted 2022

"Teachers have strong subject knowledge. They use their expertise to develop pupils’ understanding well. Across the curriculum, pupils learn in depth and achieve highly."

Ofsted 2022

"Pupils spoke of the sense of family in the school’s community. Students in Year 13 enjoy looking out for younger pupils and helping new pupils to settle in."

Ofsted 2022

"Our daughter really loved visiting the school and had a very positive feeling about the way that she was treated despite coming from a different faith group"

Prospective parent following attendance at a school Open Event 2024

"We have only heard positive things about Holy Cross School. After hearing the Headteacher, Mrs McConn-Finch, speak at the school open event, I feel she really does understand the girls and will be a great inspiration to our daughter."

Prospective parent 2024

"Holy Cross has a fantastic reputation and is an excellent fit for our daughter. Holy Cross pupils are well-mannered, kind, compassionate and serious about academics."

Prospective parent following attendance at a school Open Event 2023

"We attended the Open Evening and were absolutely overwhelmed with the positive approach, great deal of information and very warm welcome we received on the day."

Prospective parent 2023

"The Holy Cross School is the ideal place for our daughter. The school Mission Statement's focus on faith, kindness and compassion resonates with us. We appreciate the inclusive and values-driven community that promotes trust, tolerance and individuality."

Prospective parent following attendance at a school Open Event 2024

"My daughter very much enjoyed the Open Evening. She was particularly impressed by the facilities and how helpful the girls and teachers were. She loved the bright atmosphere she felt in the school - everyone was so encouraging."

Prospective parent, 2024

"On visiting Holy Cross we were impressed by the overall inclusive and home-like feel of the school and the attention given to both the pastoral and academic side of a child's school experience."

Prospective parent, 2023