Provision for Students with SEND
Provision For Students With SEND
We can make provision for students with a range of frequently occurring Special Educational Needs (SEND) who do not have a Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP); for example dyslexia, dyspraxia, speech and language and communication needs, autism spectrum condition, learning difficulties, physical needs, sensory impairments and social and emotional needs.
There are other kinds of special educational need which occur less frequently and with which the school is less familiar, but we can access training and advice so that these kinds of needs can be met.
The admission arrangements for students without an EHCP plan do not discriminate against or disadvantage disabled students or those with special educational needs and will follow our school admissions policy.
The school currently meets the needs of pupils with an Education Health and Care Plan with the following kinds of special educational need:
- Autism Spectrum Conditions (past and present)
- Speech and Language Needs (past and present)
- Learning Difficulties, including SpLDs (past and present)
- Visual/Hearing Impairments (past and present)
- Medical (past and present)
- Physical (past and present)
Decisions on the admission of students with a statement of EHCP are made by the Local Authority.