Careers Education

Careers Adviser: Clare Dewar
Line Manager: Lynn Gordon

“Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life.”


Careers Information, Education, Advice & Guidance play a vital role in your daughter’s education; helping her to discover her interests and gain a clearer understanding of her strengths and aspirations. Through the Careers Programme, she will investigate options in further, higher education and training and use that learning to make informed decisions about her future.

Key Stage 3

​Year 7 will begin Careers Education modules in the PSHE Programme in the Summer term. Careers Education is delivered through modules in the PSHE Programme in both Years 8 & 9. Careers guidance is provided by the Careers Adviser during Year 9 before the GCSE option choice process.

Key Stage 4

Careers Education is delivered through modules in the PSHE Programme in both Years 10 & 11. The Careers Adviser provides career guidance through individual meetings about the range of post–16 options available.

Key Stage 5

Careers Education is delivered through modules in the PSHE Programme in both Years 12 & 13. The Careers Adviser provides career guidance through individual meetings about the range of post-18 options available. Year 12 students take part in Work Experience.

We use a Careers platform called Unifrog to deliver Careers Education. When each year group receives a login parents will also receive a login so that you can discuss different options with your daughter.

Across all key stages, there are opportunities to explore career and education pathways both inside and outside of school and to interact with visiting speakers such as universities, apprenticeship providers, employers and alumni.


Please refer to the link below to find out what your daughter will be learning:

Careers Programme


Here are some useful websites for information, guidance and advice:

Useful Links


Here are the links to the school’s Careers Policy and the Provider Access Policy:

Careers Guidance Policy

Provider Access Policy Statement

Careers Adviser: Mrs Clare Dewar


Contact number: 02087145038

Line manager: Ms Lynn Gordon


Contact number: 02087145032