Feast Day

Feast Day

“O Crux Ave Spes Unica”

(Hail O Cross, Our Only Hope)

HOLY CROSS DAY is a long-standing tradition at our school, taking place shortly after the feast of the Triumph of the Cross, on which we celebrate our heritage of being founded by the Holy Cross Sisters and identity as a Holy Cross School Community. Celebrations include the joyful celebration of Mass, activities in tutor groups and houses and a focus on the theme of the year (a new theme is chosen and a badge competition launched every year). This year’s theme was PEACE and the badge is below:

Holy Cross Badge Competition and Theme for the Year 2019-20

Designed by two of our Year 10 Girls
Our badge incorporates colours that are relevant to our Catholic faith; green being a key colour of peace. The main character clutching an olive branch, is reminiscent of the branch found in the story of Noah and the Ark. It represents a new beginning, a start of hope and tranquillity to come. The word “peace” is made up of a dove, as it represents the Holy Spirit guiding us, helping us to be peaceful and make good choices.
The characters represent humanity, united with the Lord. They are coloured in yellow, a colour associated with happiness, endurance and strength, all qualities vital in striving for peace. The blue background unifies these colours, symbolising our hope for a future filled with peace in our world and look to our God-given gifts to work together for that goal.